EESDA: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe
Final Conference: Lisbon

Nov. 21, 2019
The final conference of the EESDA project took place in Lisbon, Portugal on 21 November, 2019.
The aim of this conference is to facilitate a discussion on enhancing the effectiveness of social dialogue articulation in Europe between social partners, experts, policy makers and other stakeholders. Findings from the recently completed research project EESDA will reveal systematic evidence on social dialogue articulation between the EU level of social dialogue, European sectoral social dialogue and social dialogue in the EU Member States.
Bringing together five consortium partners, the EESDA project, implemented during 2017-2019, advances the current knowledge and expertise on the articulation of social dialogue in Europe and its effectiveness. It studies the ways in which social dialogue at different levels functions and the channels through which EU-level social dialogue - across and within sectors – affects the actors, decisions and outcomes at the national and sub-national level, and vice versa.
You can find more information from the conference under the: Presentations and Documents.
Outputs of the EESDA project such as Policy Briefs or Case studies are available at the project website.